Friday, August 31, 2012

Waiter there is a fly in my soup

Doing the Backstroke

One of the oldest jokes in the world.  

It starts with a man in a restaurant yelling, "Waiter!  What's this fly doing in my soup?!"

The waiter walks over and examines the bowl of soup.  Turning calmly to the customer, the waiter says, "the Backstroke."

That's my inspiration for this picture.  What do you think?

I learned something, though.  Bees are easier to photograph than flies.  Bees, especially ones pursuing pollen or food, really don't care much about humans.  Bees kind of have a good rep with humans with all that pollination stuff.  Bees also have weapons -- their stingers.

Flies hate humans and try to fly away from people when people get too close.  That's because humans hate flies because they carry disease, so people try to swat and kill flies.  Flies have evolved to know this, so they try to "fly" away from humans as soon  as possible.

Flies doing the backstroke, however, are the easy to photograph.

So, if little Freddie Fly up there looks a tad bit peeked, perhaps he has gone through a recent biological stage shift ... from the living to the not.

Jimmyjumpnjive 2012

This blog, the photos contained herein and all words, captions or descriptions, is a blatant attempt at humor.   Concepts such as truth or reality are not allowed to conflict with punchlines.    Please accept that this is a humor blog created with the intent of entertaining people.  If you find what I said offensive today, you might agree wholeheartedly with me tomorrow.

Jimmyjumpnjive is devoted to peace, love and puppies.  An old furry, an ent, an aged hippy freak with nothing but a song of love in his heart.  

Jimmyjumpnjive on Youtube

Play and have fun.  Party with friends.  

Musical Chairs for Dogs

Animal rescue and fosters rule my world.  Make the world a better place bit by bit, act by act, word by word, deed by deed.

LIKE ME ON Facebook

Thursday, August 30, 2012

King bee stinger gonna cry


Isn't he a magnificent looking bee?  I think he looks smart and intense.  Maybe kind of cute in a Ziggy Stardust kind of way (the haircut).  

I don't fear the bees.  I stand out there amidst the flowers in the backyard with my cheap little macro lens camera.  

The bees don't seem to be interested in me, although I do worry what if one were to inadvertent fly under the hem of my short pants.  End badly for all parties.  

Hmmm ... I'm not scared.  Sacrifice for the art, right?


Jimmyjumpnjive 2012

This blog, the photos contained herein and all words, captions or descriptions, is a blatant attempt at humor.   Concepts such as truth or reality are not allowed to conflict with punchlines.    Please accept that this is a humor blog created with the intent of entertaining people.  If you find what I said offensive today, you might agree wholeheartedly with me tomorrow.

Jimmyjumpnjive is devoted to peace, love and puppies.  An old furry, an ent, an aged hippy freak with nothing but a song of love in his heart.  

Jimmyjumpnjive on Youtube

Play and have fun.  Party with friends.  

Musical Chairs for Dogs

Romney makes odd admission at RNC

Mitt Owes Success to Temple Undergarments

Mormons identify with Christianity, and they believe in the word of the Scriptures (the Bible) including  the Book of Mormon.  Temple undergarments hold particular significance to the Mormon believers.  Temple undergarments have been compared to the clerical robes or attire of priests in other religions.  It is difficult for a non-mormon to explain -- and adherents to the Mormon faith are reluctant to discuss -- the religious significance of these garments.

Generally speaking, temple undergarments are require for attendance at a mormon temple.  Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon faith, strongly believed that these garments symbolized the sanctity and faith of the wearer.

Photograph by Gage Skidmore.  This photograph was thereafter altered by Jimmyjumpnjive as allowed for in accordance with a Creative Commons License Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0.  Future use of this image is allowed under the same Creative Commons license with attribution due to Gage Skidmore as modified by Jimmyjumpnjive.  Peace and love.  Remember to laugh.

More of Mr. Skidmore’s work can be found at:  


Christie: Do These Lies Make My Ass Look Big

Chris Christie, "Too Big?" by DonkeyHotey
Chris Christie, "Too Big?", a photo by DonkeyHotey on Flickr.
Don't get me wrong, I want to like Chris Christie. He's a bid, tough talking guy from New Jersey. He could protect you in the schoolyard, that's for sure.

But when he tries to do the Big Time "Rescue Romney" thing it falls flat. Either Mitt is too tough to sell or Christie ain't feeling it. Perhaps both.

Regardless of whether you Governor Christie, you have to admit that he's freaking entertaining.

Via Flickr:
Christopher James Christie, Chris Christie, is the Governor of New Jersey.

The source image for this caricature of Governor Chris Christie is a Creative Commons licensed photo from Bob Jagendorf's Flickr photostream.

Too Much Republican Propaganda

With all these Republicans
shouting all this Republican propaganda
I feel like my ears
need a real good cleaning
Maybe they can wash
the hairy little Republican ideas
out of my brain.
Jimmyjumpnjive 2012

This blog, the photos contained herein and all words, captions or descriptions, is a blatant attempt at humor.   Concepts such as truth or reality are not allowed to conflict with punchlines.    Please accept that this is a humor blog created with the intent of entertaining people.  If you find what I said offensive today, you might agree wholeheartedly with me tomorrow.

Jimmyjumpnjive is devoted to peace, love and puppies.  An old furry, an ent, an aged hippy freak with nothing but a song of love in his heart.  

Jimmyjumpnjive on Youtube

Play and have fun.  Party with friends.  

Musical Chairs for Dogs

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

record unemployment impacts fly population

How's your job going?

Everybody thinks their job sucks the worst.  Consider, if you would, the purpose of the lowly house fly, whose job is to fly around and peck little bits of icky off big icky things.  All day long.  Do it again tomorrow.

Houseflies subsist on a sort of eat-what-you-find employment scheme.  Piece workers.  Transient farmers of foul things.

In these days of record unemployment, an economy that makes Republicans candidates look almost acceptable, think about the house fly.  His job suck worse than your job.  His job sucks worse that drawing unemployment.  His job just plain sucks.

In other words, things are looking up, Bunky!  It could be worse.

Jimmyjumpnjive 2012

This blog, the photos contained herein and all words, captions or descriptions, is a blatant attempt at humor.   Concepts such as truth or reality are not allowed to conflict with punchlines.    Please accept that this is a humor blog created with the intent of entertaining people.  If you find what I said offensive today, you might agree wholeheartedly with me tomorrow.

Jimmyjumpnjive is devoted to peace, love and puppies.  An old furry, an ent, an aged hippy freak with nothing but a song of love in his heart.  

Jimmyjumpnjive on Youtube

Monday, August 27, 2012

AWESOMENESS: Sunbeams and Moonwalks (Dumb Dog Trick #265)


Sunbeams and Moonwalks (Dumb Dog Trick #265): 

What is a sunbeam? What is this magic place of a world we live in? "Electro-mangetic radiation," some people would say. "The sun...

 "The sun light," most would say. (as in, "Duh, sunlight.") I say,

My open letter to the planet:

The sun and moon are my guiding principles. The ocean is more powerful than the combination of the earth, the wind and the sky. My place is here and my time is now.

The truth shall emerge as people age in general and wisdom and responsibility take over the leadership of the continents. Some day we shall all be equal in language, equal in importance and equal in dignity.

Tragedy will befall us all within our lives, but it is in others that we will find strength and help if needed. The incidence of tragic incidents will decrease with the modernization of public transportation systems. The pulse of the earth shall be felt on its rail system and in the advanced versions of navigation and traffic synchronization systems.

The weary who make it to this new world shall survive and flourish. For it is in this next stage of the Earth's existence that true understanding of concepts such as compassion, empathy, religion and medical care shall transform our existence.

Indoor gardening, water beds and Grateful Dead Television will become very popular. Until that time arrives, however, I think I'll pass the time by making dumb dog trick videos.

February 9, 2012

Moth looks like art deco

One moth (the Venezuelan Poodle Moth) looks like a funky poodle crossed with a Pokemon.

The moths in my backyard have a certain art deco flair.  At least I think this is a moth.

It sort of looks like it came out of a Frank Lloyd Wright designed house, right?  Pretty cool.  Almost as cool as the poodle moth.

I have been taking macro photos for a short period of time now, and really enjoying it.

Jimmyjumpnjive is devoted to peace, love and puppies.  An old furry, an ent, an aged hippy freak with nothing but a song of love in his heart.  

Jimmyjumpnjive on Youtube

Honey Bee don't care

For a honey bee, could anything rival the exhilaration of finding pollen?

How about returning to the hive covered in pollen, then being whisked clean by all the worker bees.  How's that sound?  The actuality of it is probably more like a trip through a gauntlet than it is a trip to the playboy mansion.  Whatever ... honey bee don't care.

Jimmyjumpnjive is devoted to peace, love and puppies.  An old furry, an ent, an aged hippy freak with nothing but a song of love in his heart.  

Jimmyjumpnjive on Youtube

Sunday, August 26, 2012

queen reacts to harry nude photos

I believe the words she said were,
 "Harry Nude Photos?!"
I thought she said, "Hairy Nude Photos," so me and the queen of england were off to a rocky start from our earlier hands across the water postcard series relationship interaction thang.

The Actual Words that Came out of the Queen's mouth ... as heard by a "fly on the wall."

There's no reason to expect that there would be 
lots of yelling and bad mouthing.  
The Queen has more going on for herself than that, don't she? Har!

The Queen's reaction to grandson, Harry's,
recent nude Las Vegas romp
Maybe she was cool with it.

The 'bloids always make these royal things seem so tragic.  I think dude was having a royally good time for all the world to see.  Imagine if you had paparazzi following you 247.  Think of all the really awful stuff they'd have photos of you doing.  Yuck.

Jimmyjumpnjive 2012

This blog, the photos contained herein and all words, captions or descriptions, is a blatant attempt at humor.   Concepts such as truth or reality are not allowed to conflict with punchlines.    Please accept that this is a humor blog created with the intent of entertaining people.  If you find what I said offensive today, you might agree wholeheartedly with me tomorrow.

Jimmyjumpnjive is devoted to peace, love and puppies.  An old furry, an ent, an aged hippy freak with nothing but a song of love in his heart.  

August 26 2012 National Dog Day

The dog days of August?
National Dog Day?  Yes, that's right, hooray for National Dog Day!

NASA tomorrow's dreams today


YES.  You take public funds, hire some of the smartest people in the world -- rocket scientists and engineers and math wizards -- and shoot stuff off into space.  To explore, to take photos, to see what's out there.  To give hope to the people of Earth.

This is a public domain NASA image of astronaut Buzz Aldrich walking on the moon in 1969.  The Photo was taken by recently departed astronaut Neil Armstrong.  Few events of the 20th century galvanized the American people quite as resounding as the Apollo 11 moon landing.

We need to support NASA.  The technology that they invent and perfect is important to the future of Earthlings.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

armstrong says cheryl crow looks good in the nude

Lance Armstrongs strongly disagrees with the opinion that Cheryl Crow took performance enhancing drugs.  

remembering Neil Armstrong the astronaut

Neil Armstrong. The first Earth Human (as far as we know) to walk on the moon.  Upon walking on the moon, the words, "One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind," immediately became a sensation.

Peace, love and space exploration.  Jimmyjumpnjive 2012

This blog, the photos contained herein and all words, captions or descriptions, is a blatant attempt at humor.   Concepts such as truth or reality are not allowed to conflict with punchlines.    Please accept that this is a humor blog created with the intent of entertaining people.  If you find what I said offensive today, you might agree wholeheartedly with me tomorrow.

Jimmyjumpnjive is devoted to peace, love and puppies.  An old furry, an ent, an aged hippy freak with nothing but a song of love in his heart.  

Jimmyjumpnjive on Youtube

Play and have fun.  Party with friends.  

Musical Chairs for Dogs

who was lance armstrong

Who was Lance Rentzel?

The wiki says that Lance Armstrong was named after Lance Rentzel.  So, who was Lance Rentzel?

He was a football player who got into a lot of trouble for exposing himself.  Yeah, I meant exactly what I just said.  Nobody would willingly claim any association with Lance Rentzel, because Rentzel was a loser.

So, in sub-honor of Armstrong and Rentzel, let's just say, "Lance who?"

Jimmyjumpnjive 2012

This blog, the photos contained herein and all words, captions or descriptions, is a blatant attempt at humor.   Concepts such as truth or reality are not allowed to conflict with punchlines.    Please accept that this is a humor blog created with the intent of entertaining people.  If you find what I said offensive today, you might agree wholeheartedly with me tomorrow.

Jimmyjumpnjive is devoted to peace, love and puppies.  An old furry, an ent, an aged hippy freak with nothing but a song of love in his heart.  

Jimmyjumpnjive on Youtube

Play and have fun.  Party with friends.  

Musical Chairs for Dogs

Friday, August 24, 2012

Red Dog the Stunt Master (playlist)

A full 23:45 of Red Dog and his silly stunts and dumb dog tricks.

Jimmyjumpnjive is devoted to peace, love and puppies.  An old furry, an ent, an aged hippy freak with nothing but a song of love in his heart.  

Jimmyjumpnjive on Youtube

Play and have fun.  Party with friends.  

Musical Chairs for Dogs

Romney Bad Polygamist Joke

What does Mitt Romney say when he wants to buy a car?  Well, you didn't expect that he was gonna buy cars one at a time, did you?  His wife drives a couple of Cadillacs, you know.

I wonder if Mitt has any polygamists in his family tree.  I mean, I really do wonder about that.  It's not unusual, you know.  It's not like every spanker with a penis got bunches of wives.  NO!  You had to play the game and give money to the church and be a respectable Mormon, then you could have more than one wife.  Playing the game seems easy for Mitt ...

I hope no one was offended by the polygamy joke.  Gosh, that's not what I intended.  I intended for you all to laugh and laugh, Republicans and Democrats alike.  Hmmmm ... you think I slammed Mitt Romney this time, so it's BO's turn next?  Seems right to me.

Jimmyjumpnjive 2012

This blog, the photos contained herein and all words, captions or descriptions, is a blatant attempt at humor.   Concepts such as truth or reality are not allowed to conflict with punchlines.    Please accept that this is a humor blog created with the intent of entertaining people.  If you find what I said offensive today, you might agree wholeheartedly with me tomorrow.

Jimmyjumpnjive is devoted to peace, love and puppies.  An old furry, an ent, an aged hippy freak with nothing but a song of love in his heart.  

Jimmyjumpnjive on Youtube

Play and have fun.  Party with friends.  

Musical Chairs for Dogs

Animal rescue and fosters rule my world.  Make the world a better place bit by bit, act by act, word by word, deed by deed.

The Dog Party Blog
My LOLs on Cheezburger
LIKE ME ON Facebook

Misery in Missouri Todd is Akin for it

Misery in Missouri!

Five Questions for the Candidate: Todd Akin of Missouri

Were you on a first-name basis with Paul Ryan before you Gronked all over yourself?

What's it like to have like to have everyone love you one day, only to have everyone hate you the next?

Do you really frighten children?

What's it like to get bounced from the Republican National Convention?

Is it true that Mitt Romney's breath smells like money?

If you discovered a way to piss off twice as many people twice as fast ... uh, never mind.

Image/caricature by Flickr member Donkeyhotey.  This photograph was thereafter altered by Jimmyjumpnjive as allowed for in accordance with a Creative Commons License Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0.  Future use of this image is allowed under the same Creative Commons license with attribution due to Donkeyhotey as modified by Jimmyjumpnjive.  Peace and love.  Remember to laugh.

Donkeyhotey is an independent visual artist, seeking a steady gig.  More of Donkeyhotey’s work can be found at:


Thursday, August 23, 2012

A halo of pollen

Under the microscope

The bees have been working overtime at my house.  I have many flowers planted to attract them.  It saddens me to hear that bees are having trouble .... I believe it's called hive-failure.  Where the bees don't do their job.  Could threaten the survival of humans if we don't straighten that out.  Just saying.

Advice Alien: Party on Earth

Jimmyjumpnjive 2012

Jimmyjumpnjive is devoted to peace, love and puppies.  An old furry, an ent, an aged hippy freak with nothing but a song of love in his heart.  

Jimmyjumpnjive on Youtube

Play and have fun.  Party with friends.  

Musical Chairs for Dogs

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Phyllis Diller was the life of the Party

Photo by Allen Warren.  This photo was used under a creative commons license allowing reuse.

Phyllis Diller circa 1973

Does anybody remember what a rockstar Phyllis Diller was in the 1960's and 1970's?  The kids don't know, but she was like Lady Gaga in her day.  In fact, one could argue that had there not been Phyllis Diller then, there would be no Gaga now.

I mean that.  Phyllis was brash and loud.  Phyllis was wild and naughty.  Phyllis was a woman in a man's world at a time when few women had made it into the old boys' club.  Seriously.  And she was the center of attention.

Phyllis hung out with Dean Martin and Sammy Davis Jr. and probably everybody from the Smothers Brothers to Sinatra.  Seriously.  She was that big.  And she could rock the mic.

My favorite Phyllis Diller persona was a sort of cross between a bar hag and a housewife.  Crusty, raw and speaking the truth.  The specific memory is of a lady standup comic with a microphone in one hand, a long cigarette in the other, who rattled jokes like a sub machine gun.  She was a pro.  And she was Goddamn funny.

Phyllis Diller rocked it.  She paved the way for female entertainers.  She was truly a hard rocking priestess. 

Jimmyjumpnjive 2012

This blog, the photos contained herein and all words, captions or descriptions, is a blatant attempt at humor.   Concepts such as truth or reality are not allowed to conflict with punchlines.    Please accept that this is a humor blog created with the intent of entertaining people.  If you find what I said offensive today, you might agree wholeheartedly with me tomorrow.

Jimmyjumpnjive is devoted to peace, love and puppies.  An old furry, an ent, an aged hippy freak with nothing but a song of love in his heart.  

Jimmyjumpnjive on Youtube

Obama tells a Republican Joke

President Obama tells a Republican Joke

Need it explained?  Ok, it's a play on the old joke format that starts with some number of something walking into a bar.  Next thing you know, he's going to put a duck or a 12 inch tall pianist on the bar ...

I see our American president as having a sense of humor.  Like, if he could away with it, I think he would tell more jokes and have more fun .... you know, just be himself.  That would be cool.

So, go ahead, Barack ... tell a real joke ... like about how the elder Republican urinates all over the bar and the bartender laughed about it.  Maybe you would like to cut loose with a "pet monkey" bar joke.  There's always the old one about the panda, who eats bushes and leaves.

You have my permission.  What's that?  Yeah, after the election.

Jimmyjumpnjive 2012

Image/caricature by Flickr member Donkeyhotey.  This photograph was thereafter altered by Jimmyjumpnjive as allowed for in accordance with a Creative Commons License Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0.  Future use of this image is allowed under the same Creative Commons license with attribution due to Donkeyhotey as modified by Jimmyjumpnjive.  Peace and love.  Remember to laugh.

Donkeyhotey is an independent visual artist, seeking a steady gig.  More of Donkeyhotey’s work can be found at:

This blog, the photos contained herein and all words, captions or descriptions, is a blatant attempt at humor.   Concepts such as truth or reality are not allowed to conflict with punchlines.    Please accept that this is a humor blog created with the intent of entertaining people.  If you find what I said offensive today, you might agree wholeheartedly with me tomorrow.

Jimmyjumpnjive is devoted to peace, love and puppies.  An old furry, an ent, an aged hippy freak with nothing but a song of love in his heart.  

Jimmyjumpnjive on Youtube

Play and have fun.  Party with friends.  

Musical Chairs for Dogs

Animal rescue and fosters rule my world.  Make the world a better place bit by bit, act by act, word by word, deed by deed.

The Dog Party Blog
My LOLs on Cheezburger
LIKE ME ON Facebook

Monday, August 20, 2012

I am a duck I am an Island

I am a duck.  I am an Island.
Photo by Jimmyjumpnjive

They don't much let you feed the ducks any more, not here in my neck of the woods.  So the ducks really don't have much reason to interact or approach you.  Probably a good thing I guess, but not nearly as much fun as the old days.  

Method acting is like pretending to be a role to such a degree that you are having that person's emotions (or some such other stuff).  Deep like Dinero, huh?

Have you walked the dog yet today?

Jimmyjumpnjive 2012

This blog, the photos contained herein and all words, captions or descriptions, is a blatant attempt at humor.   Concepts such as truth or reality are not allowed to conflict with punchlines.    Please accept that this is a humor blog created with the intent of entertaining people.  If you find what I said offensive today, you might agree wholeheartedly with me tomorrow.

Jimmyjumpnjive is devoted to peace, love and puppies.  An old furry, an ent, an aged hippy freak with nothing but a song of love in his heart.  

Jimmyjumpnjive on Youtube

Play and have fun.  Party with friends.  

Musical Chairs for Dogs

Animal rescue and fosters rule my world.  Make the world a better place bit by bit, act by act, word by word, deed by deed.