Doing the Backstroke
One of the oldest jokes in the world.
It starts with a man in a restaurant yelling, "Waiter! What's this fly doing in my soup?!"
The waiter walks over and examines the bowl of soup. Turning calmly to the customer, the waiter says, "the Backstroke."
That's my inspiration for this picture. What do you think?
I learned something, though. Bees are easier to photograph than flies. Bees, especially ones pursuing pollen or food, really don't care much about humans. Bees kind of have a good rep with humans with all that pollination stuff. Bees also have weapons -- their stingers.
Flies hate humans and try to fly away from people when people get too close. That's because humans hate flies because they carry disease, so people try to swat and kill flies. Flies have evolved to know this, so they try to "fly" away from humans as soon as possible.
Flies doing the backstroke, however, are the easy to photograph.
So, if little Freddie Fly up there looks a tad bit peeked, perhaps he has gone through a recent biological stage shift ... from the living to the not.
Jimmyjumpnjive 2012
This blog, the photos contained herein and all words, captions or descriptions, is a blatant attempt at humor. Concepts such as truth or reality are not allowed to conflict with punchlines. Please accept that this is a humor blog created with the intent of entertaining people. If you find what I said offensive today, you might agree wholeheartedly with me tomorrow.
Jimmyjumpnjive is devoted to peace, love and puppies. An old furry, an ent, an aged hippy freak with nothing but a song of love in his heart.
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Musical Chairs for Dogs rescue and fosters rule my world. Make the world a better place bit by bit, act by act, word by word, deed by deed.
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