Hey, look mom.
I pissed off 47% of all Americans with just three sentences.
Yes, he addressed the content of the remarks, clarifying that he really meant what he said even though he didn't say it very well. Oh, and he did mention that word, "context." But basically what he said was that 47% of all Americans were government subsidy addicts who would vote for Obama just to keep the government gravy river flowing. According to the Rominator, those voters looked to the government for food, shelter, medical care and just about everything else.
Such people, according to the Mittster, were never to be swayed from the Democratic candidate, so what the Republican candidate proposed was to work on the undecided Independents in an effort to defeat Obama.
It's troubling that Mitt Romney would look at those less fortunate than him as freeloaders. Without a doubt, the guy is part of the 1%. His dad was the CEO of an American automobile company. Dude has never had to ask anyone (other than his dad) for anything.
And while he spoke a message to the monied Right last Spring, he never expected those words to be recorded and replayed at this point in the game. What was his real reaction to this breaking story? (See the photo above.)
Publicly he did what he always does when he pulls a gaffe -- duck and cover, hit the ground and roll until the flames go out. Tap dancing to exit stage right. Remember remarks after the Libya gaffe? What a fool.
But just when most of America had almost forgotten (or suppressed the memory of) Romnoid's seriously flawed Libya comments, here he is again, spouting stupid and dividing America rather than uniting it.
How did this guy ever survive in private industry? I guess that Bain must have had hired mouth pieces and publicists to handle this sort of "public message" stuff that Mitt sucks so badly at.
Jimmyjumpnjive 2012
Photograph by Gage Skidmore. This photograph was thereafter altered by Jimmyjumpnjive as allowed for in accordance with a Creative Commons License Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0. Future use of this image is allowed under the same Creative Commons license with attribution due to Gage Skidmore as modified by Jimmyjumpnjive. Peace and love. Remember to laugh.
More of Mr. Skidmore’s work can be found at:
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