Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Fly Boy Tries Health Food

One day Fly Boy was cruising the neighborhood.  He saw some bees buzzing the flowers and taking pollen.

"Hey," yelled Fly Boy.  "Is that stuff any good?"

"Of course it's good," the bees told him.  "It's the healthiest food on Earth and it's super tasty."

"Health food."  Fly Boy said this to himself with a note of sarcasm.  Fly Boy hated health food.  What next colonics and vitamin supplements?  Fly Boy turned to fly away.

"Where you think you're going?" asked the biggest of the Bees, as he flexed his bee muscles and pointed his stinger at Fly Boy.  "Eat some pollen first."

"Uh, sure," said Fly Boy, trying to be cool.  "Yeah, pollen is great stuff, yeah."

It tasted like dirt mixed with cheese and chalk.  Fly Boy struggled to choke it down.  "What I wouldn't give for some fermented Yak urine," Fly Boy thought to himself.

"How you liking that pollen?" asked the bees.

"Gak!" replied Fly Boy.  It might be healthy for bees, Fly Boy thought to himself, but no manly fly would eat this stuff on a daily basis.  

"My best to your queen," yelled Fly Boy.  Under his breath he muttered, "I hope she chokes on it."

Jimmyjumpnjive 2012

This blog, the photos contained herein and all words, captions or descriptions, is a blatant attempt at humor.   Concepts such as truth or reality are not allowed to conflict with punchlines.    Please accept that this is a humor blog created with the intent of entertaining people.  If you find what I said offensive today, you might agree wholeheartedly with me tomorrow.

Jimmyjumpnjive is devoted to peace, love and puppies.  An old furry, an ent, an aged hippy freak with nothing but a song of love in his heart.  

Jimmyjumpnjive on Youtube

Play and have fun.  Party with friends.  

Musical Chairs for Dogs

Animal rescue and fosters rule my world.  Make the world a better place bit by bit, act by act, word by word, deed by deed.

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