The entire world is asking that question right now. Here's a few photos and links to stories about her ...

Well she's pretty, athletic, brave and intensely intelligent. Only a fool wouldn't be taken (if given the chance) by Paula Broadwell. She can explain it all to her husband, a radiologist in the Carolinas. She's a novelist, a professional teller of stories, so she can spin it however she likes. Oh, and she and the aforementioned radiologist have two children ... can anybody say, "Geez, Mom, cut it out! The kids at school are starting to tease me."
But it's sort of like the girl can't help it, she's an American goddess who abandoned common sense and reason to have an affair with one of the most powerful men on the planet. She researched her subject well, being his official biographer. Her reward for this action will be fame and possibly fortune. Oh, and her book will now sell better, right? The discovery of the affair may impact her personal privacy in addition to her marriage and family.
CLICK HERE to see Paul Broadwell on the Daily Show with John Stewart
CLICK HERE for an awesome article from USA Today about Paula Broadwell.
The photos used in this blog post are believed to be in the public domain.
including a publicity photo of Ms. Broadwell.
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