Recently one of my videos made it on the LOL PETS show on the ALN Network. Peace and love and ALN network!
Seriously, I am proud to have shared (in my minuscule amount) billing with Kip Kay. Even though he has his own show (and probably a mansion and a yacht) and I got ten seconds of my silly dogs being super silly on the silly happy funny peace and love (Lol Pets) show.
I am so totally cool with this. I'm thinking maybe I should send more videos to ALN. I was on their website but couldn't figure out how to post anything other than a "roll out" or "fame spot" or "spot out." I'll go back to their site and look around a little more later.
Here, this link will make it easier for you to find them.
It's like I'm thinking ALN is a big network. Do you think LOL PETS will ultimately be the next Pet Star?
I made the video, "Musical Chairs for Dogs," about two years ago.
Yeah, yeah, I goofed because you can see me in the reflection in the windows. Still I really like this video, and I say that even though I made the video. IMHO this is an awesome video.
I felt good that day. I enjoyed making this video. It was a sort of cataclysmic milkshake of passive dog training mixed with low budget video production. Of all my videos, this one is my favorite.
Oh, and I have this video because my friend Ilovejanelle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WttfqFnah0U captured it on her cellphone and sent it to me. I watch so little television, I probably would have missed it.
When I see one of my videos used in a television show, blog or website, linked, whatever, I feel good about that. It means that someone else agreed with my vision, got the joke, liked the message, and passed it along. It's a good feeling.
Over the years I have signed stuff over (non exclusive rights) on some of my videos for the asking. I have also sold videos outright, primarily winning contest entries. Fundamentally, though, I don't really care if I get paid or not. What I want is for people to see my stuff.
Sometimes when I see my videos on television I wonder, "Gee, when did I sign the release on that video." Because I probably did sign a release.
I don't want a thousand people to see one video, I would rather have ten people watch all of my videos. Some people will "get" my stuff. Some will not. My mission is to find the people who will get it and make more videos for them.