Wednesday, February 29, 2012

"Double High Five" (Dumb Dog Tricks Leap Year Edition)

What's the best time of day to work with your dog?

For Zoozoo that's easy -- right before a meal. My silly girl is really food motivated and will spin through her tricks as quick as possible to get her food.

What dog training method works best? That's up to the dog owner to figure out. Some dogs work for toys, others work for praise, Zoozoo will do tricks for food.

I hate to say it, but "trick for treat" is a game that dogs will play all year round.

Pick out ten to fifteen minutes per day to work with your dog. Start with the basics (sit, stay, down, walk on a leash) and build to whatever dog tricks your mind can event. The sky is the limit.

But it's very important that you work with your dog at least three or four times per week. More is better! Twice a day is perfect.

Your dog will appreciate it. Also, be very sure that your dog is getting enough exercise. A chubby dog belongs to an owner who is not getting enough exercise. Go for a walk every day. It's good for you to get outside. As they say, it will blow the stink off you.

Play with your dog every day. Show me your dumb dog trick!

Peace and love, Jimmyjumpnjive

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